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Our Capacity Building Programme includes a combination of the following activities:

  • Assessment: Participants complete the assessment of their current knowledge, skills, experiences as well as organisational capacities. The assessment results are used to design the training methodology and to pinpoint potential areas of support. 
  • Intensive Face-to-Face Training: Participants learn new concepts and skills through comprehensive presentations, discussions, case-studies and other individual and group exercises. Participants also develop strategy, action plans and/or specific mini-projects that help them to address priority issues and improve their work, in an organized manner.
  • Coaching: In-between trainings, each participating organisation receives guidance, individual support and advice in how to implement their strategies, action plans and/or specific mini-projects which are relevant to the module in question.
  • Follow-up Face-to-Face Training: Participants explore topics in greater depth, present and discuss how and what they have implemented during the coaching period so far.
  • Coaching wrap-up: Participants integrate feedback and other comments collected during the follow-up face-to-face training, and continue to get individualized support in order to finalise their mini-projects and present their achievements on the EPF website. 
  • Evaluation: Participants evaluate their progress and compare it to the initial assessment. The purpose of the evaluation is also to broadly assess the impact of learning, and application of that learning in the context of organisational learning.  

Other Characteristics and Benefits of our Capacity Building Program include:

  • Trainings and coaching activities conducted by experts in local language
  • Participants are encouraged to reflect and learn based on their situational context
  • Training groups of up to 24 participants enable meaningful interactions
  • The length of the program allows participants to receive maximum learning inputs by organizing the coaching sessions in a way that works best for them (usually from 6 to 8 months in each country)
  • Participants benefit from the cross-fertilisation and networking process
  • The capacity development and progress of participating organisations is monitored, documented and shared on the EPF website for further learning
  • EPF, experts, organisations’ leaders and participants meet periodically and suggest the topics for the next year’s Capacity Building programme in a collaborative manner.