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MHE: The Future of Mental Health, Rights and Recovery in Europe

MHE: The Future of Mental Health, Rights and Recovery in Europe

To celebrate World Mental Health Day, Mental Health Europe (MHE) would like to invite you to a high-level event to discuss the future of mental health in Europe.

Mental health has been increasingly recognised as crucial for the well-being of society and respect of human rights of every individual.  The recent COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear: actions to improve mental health and the lives of people with mental health problems are urgently needed.

 In this context, MHE high-level seminar will:

  • Consider how Europe can be a catalyst for change in the field of mental health
  • Discuss European and national actions and policy developments in the sector
  • Provide insight on the investments needed to implement change and protect the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities.

Speakers will include representatives of the European Commission and the World Health Organisations, as well as members of the European Parliament, national authorities and MHE membership.

Register Here>>>

For any questions related to this event, please get in touch with Jennifer Oroilidis via