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EPF Consultation on eHealth position paper

EPF Consultation on eHealth position paper

Why a position paper on eHealth?

eHealth (the use of electronic means to provide healthcare services or information) is often described as a solution towards sustainability of healthcare and benefit patients. eHealth could help improve chronic diseases and multimorbidity management, enhance patient centric care, foster cross-border healthcare, and increase efficiency of healthcare systems and equity of access.

Yet lack of user friendly services and tools, and lack of user involvement in the development of eHealth services are key barriers to the taking up of eHealth.

This draft paper is based on EPF’s experience in various EU projects related to telehealth, telemedicine, and electronic health records. The aim is to provide recommendations for EU health policies and research at EU level, from the patients’ perspective.

How to participate to the consultation?

You can comment on any part of the position paper. We have included questions to members for area where we need particular feedback, but they are not compulsory.

You can send any comments you have on the position paper to our Policy Adviser Laurène Souchet ( by 31 May 2016.

Next Steps

Your comments will be integrated into a final draft which will be sent for a 2nd round of consultation in the second part of the year.

Once the paper is finalised, EPF will publish it on its website and circulate it to key stakeholders and decision makers.