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Consultation on SPH vision paper

Consultation on SPH vision paper

EPF, as a key stakeholder in health research, has been invited to respond in writing to a consultation on the Scientific Panel for Health (SPH) Vision paper Better research for better health. The paper addresses many aspects of health research policies and content; and the invitation to the consultation on the paper focuses on the recommendations and the way forward as described in sections 5 and 6 of the paper itself.

Are you involved in research? We need your help! Your feedback is very valuable!

Download the document with a list of topics and specific questions that you may wish to respond to, where applicable.

On the same topic...

Aligned with the consultation process, two interactive workshops are taking place in Brussels. The aim is to discuss views in more depth on two core topics that relate to many of the above recommendations. EPF representatives will participate in the workshops. 

SPH workshops, Brussels, 27 & 28 September 

  • Workshop 1: Next generation health research workforce (27 September 2016)

Workshop aims: To identify current barriers and hurdles, as well as examples of success and mechanisms to achieve a better-trained health research workforce and improved cooperation between sectors, including academia, healthcare and industry.

  • Workshop 2: A long-term strategic research agenda: marrying unmet clinical/societal needs to opportunity & strength (28 September 2016)

Workshop Aims: To discuss current and future mechanisms for priority setting and identify opportunities to coordinate and set/define the content of a long-term strategic research agenda for Europe.

More about SPH...

The European Commission's Scientific Panel for Health (SPH) is a science-led expert group based on the provisions of the Horizon 2020 Specific Programme that has been tasked with helping to achieve better health and wellbeing for all. To know more about its scope of action and its members, please visit its website.