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Manuel Arellano

Manuel Arellano

Manuel Arellano is vice president of the Spanish Patients’ Platform (Plataforma de Organizaciones de Pacientes -POP-) since 2018.

He is a kidney patient since he was 4 and has been transplanted twice. He is involved as a volunteer in many organizations in the field of chronicity as well as disability.

He started in the associative movement in 2011, when he was appointed as president of the Association for renal diseases of Navarra, his home province. Since 2013 is president of the a Federation of Associations of People with physical and organic disabilities and member of the Confederation Spanish council (COCEMFE), and from 2015 he is also vice president of Confederation of People with all types of disabilities (CERMI Navarra). In 2018 he was elected as vice president of the Spanish kidney patients’ Federation (ALCER) and member of the Spanish Renal Foundation board.

He holds a degree in law from University of Navarra and Master degree in commercial and marketing management.

Manuel joined the EPF Board in May 2021.