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AI Webinar Series

AI Webinar Series

EPF AI Webinar Series Understanding AI Webinar Series

As one of the core activities supported by the EU AI Fund, the overall objective of the webinar series is to shed light on AI in healthcare. The series will particularly focus on the possible advantages but also risks and pending questions for patients, while exploring specific implications for the healthcare sector.  

The Understanding AI webinar series will present complex technical content in an understandable and engaging way to equip the European patient community with the necessary know how to shape and present the patient perspective on a new and increasingly important policy topic that is becoming an important field of policy discussion both at European and national level. 

WEBINAR 1 – AI in Healthcare: From Science Fiction to Reality (8 July 2021)

Introduces the concept of AI and its implication in healthcare as well as introduce a case study and the AI Fund. The webinar will cover pros, cons, possible attention points and benefits of AI for patients.


  • Frederike Kaltheuner, European Artificial Intelligence Fund
  • Anca Petre, founder at 23 Consulting

Watch the recording here

WEBINAR 2 - AI Ethics and Implications (13 December 2021)

Why do patients need to ask themselves questions about the ethics of AI in healthcare? Join us on Monday, 13 December at 4pm CET to find out!

We will have the pleasure of hearing from Heidi Mertes, an associate professor in medical ethics at Ghent University, where she teaches bioethics, medical ethics, moral philosophy and global health ethics. Her academic research focusses on the ethical implications of innovations in healthcare. She is currently the principle investigator of the ERC-funded project DIME, focusing on the impact of disruptive innovation in healthcare on medical ethics and on shifting responsibilities in healthcare.


  • Heidi Mertes, associate professor in Medical Ethics at Ghent University

Watch the recording here

WEBINAR 3 - EU Legislation on AI (28 October 2022)

The third webinar in our AI series features Mahsa Shabani (assistant professor at UGent) and Hannah van Kolfschooten (PhD researcher/lecturer at LCHL/University of Amsterdam). This gathering will address interesting and important reflections on EU legislation regarding artificial intelligence and the healthcare sector, and its implications for patients and patient organisations. 


  • Mahsa Shabani, assistant professor at Ghent University (UGent)
  • Hannah van Kolfschooten, PhD researcher and lecturer at LCHL and University of Amsterdam (UvA)

Watch the recording here

WEBINAR 4 - AI in Medicines Innovation (18 November 2022)

This webinar covers topics linked to AI in medicines innovation, such as pre-clinical research, clinical trials, regulatory approval, and medicines safety monitoring. It will reflect on how the use of AI could improve or accelerate medicines development, and what the implications may be for patients. 


  • Luis Pinheiro, senior epidemiology expert and doctor in Pharmacy at EMA
  • Liesbet Geris, research professor at KU Leuven and University of Liège and director at VPH Institute

Watch the recording here.

WEBINAR 5 - Patients, Healthcare Professionals, and AI (2 December 2022)

This final 2022 AI webinar focuses on the topic of "Patients, Healthcare Professionals, and AI". The themes that our speakers cover include: informing patients on AI use, shared decision-making and AI, the challenges of the use of AI in healthcare provision, and the risk and mitigation approaches for making AI efficient (including some examples on how AI can improve clinical decisions). 


  • Ildikó Vajda, senior policy officer in Digital Health at National Coalition of Dutch Patients (Patiëntenfederatie Nederland)
  • Toni Andreu, scientific director at EATRIS

Watch the recording here

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