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2016/2017: Module in Communication & Advocacy

This part of capacity building programme is designed to support patient organisations on presentation and negotiating skills, advocacy, campaigning and media relations. During the program, participants will learn how to effectively liaise with donors and partners, as well as how to implement effective advocacy activities and reach their organisations goals. Participants will also get the opportunity to develop targeted messaging for the media, including the press conferences, press releases etc.

See here the summary training report established in 2016.

Participating Organisations:

As of 2016, the programme expanded its support from eight (8) to sixteen (16) patient organisations, including the EPF member: AOPP - Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights :

  1. AOPP - Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights
  2. Association of patients with Sclerosis Multiplex Hope
  3. Civic Society Amazonky
  4. Civic Society Mozaic
  5. Civic Society Odyseus
  6. Civic Society Omega
  7. Civic Society Viktorky
  8. Civic Society ‘You are Luck’
  9. Foundation supporting oncological patients
  10. Lymfoma Slovakia
  11. Open doors, open hearts
  12. Parkinson Society Slovakia
  13. Slovak association of patients with stoma SLOVILCO
  14. Slovak Crohn Club
  15. Slovak League against Rheumatism
  16. Society of patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis in Slovakia

You can find further information on the participating organisations here

Related Information

Capacity Building Programme in Slovakia since 2013:

In 2013 the programme kicked off in Slovakia. The strategic and operational planning were completed in late 2014. The training module on fundraising was completed in summer 2016.