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COMPAR-EU: focusing on patients' prioritiy outcomes

COMPAR-EU: focusing on patients' prioritiy outcomes

COMPAR-EU will identify, compare, and rank the most effective and cost-effective self-management interventions (SMIs) for adults in Europe. It focuses on SMIs within four high-priority chronic conditions: type 2 diabetes (T2DM), obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and heart failure.

In May and June, EPF has undertaken a Delphi Consensus Process (DCP) to find out what outcomes are prioritised by patients. A DCP technique seeks to obtain consensus on the opinions of the participants through a series of structured questionnaires. In the COMPAR-EU DCP, four panels were created, one for each condition. Patients and patients’ representatives were asked to prioritise relevant outcomes for their condition(s) using explicit criteria and a Likert scale. The questionnaires were uploaded in an electronic format on specially dedicated platforms.

After two rounds were concluded, on 10-11 July, the COMPAR-EU Delphi workshop will take place in Berlin, Germany. This is the final phase of the DCP and is bringing together patients with other relevant stakeholders around the table, to ensure the representation of a diversity of perspectives and achieve consensus on the final outcomes, called Core Outcome Sets, to be included in the COMPAR-EU project results. The purpose of the discussion is to solve potential tensions between the perspectives of patients and those of researchers or clinicians, and the challenges that these different perspectives pose for the selection of relevant outcomes.

Forty participants and four moderators, including patients and their carers, specialists, primary care providers, nurses and researchers, will be expected to join the workshop and discuss the results of the DCP. Our readers will find out more on the outcomes from the Workshop in some of our next monthly newsletters.

You would like to know more about the project?

Check out the official project website, which has been recently launched:

Contact person:

Lyudmil Ninov, EPF Project Officer