
Our members are the backbone of our work: their perspective brings an irreplaceable added value to our policy and advocacy activities.

We currently represent 79 patient organisations representing 21 countries and an estimated 150 million patients across Europe

Towards a wider Europe. Our ambition is to become a reference point for the EU, European organisations and other stakeholders such as WHO Europe, healthcare professionals and health minded organisations seeking patients’ and patient groups’ opinions.

We have adopted a new Constitution, now allowing organisations based in all of Europe to become members of EPF.

By joining EPF, you will be part of Europe’s strongest collective patients’ voice promoting public health issues surrounding equitable access, affordability and quality of healthcare at EU level. EPF aims to be as transparent, democratic and inclusive as possible.

Download the full list of EPF Members here or click below on any of our patient organisations:

Full Members

Associate Members

Provisional member

*International organisations that do not have a formally constituted branch in Europe, but are active in the European region, may become Full members.