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Chain Of Trust project’s findings: follow-up with National roundtables

Chain Of Trust project’s findings: follow-up with National roundtables

After one year and a half, it is time for the two year telehealth user-led project Chain Of Trust to review on its state of progress. The project team has carried out a series of activities including a literature review, an online survey, six national workshops and four European focus groups. The results of these activities are presented in a report which is set to be published very shortly. Follow-up roundtable will follow.

The objective of the project is to assess the perspective of the main end users of telehealth services across the EU. The objective is to see whether and how views have evolved since the initial deployment of telehealth and what barriers there still are to building confidence in and acceptance of this innovative type of services.

To follow-up on the publication of the report the project team will implement 6 National Roundtables in early autumn in the same countries of the workshops, i.e. Greece, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and Portugal. 

The National Roundtables will focus on:

  • Raising awareness of national stakeholders on the project findings and policy recommendations 
  • Promoting the integration of users’ perspective in national telehealth agendas and plans.

Each National Roundtable will aim to ensure an active participation of participants representing the four groups of telehealth users identified for this project (patients, doctors, nurses and pharmacists) as well as key national stakeholders in the area of telehealth such as Ministry of Health, relevant regional and local authorities, industry, health managers, hospital associations, informal carers organisations, EC representation, citizens and consumers’ associations, insurers, etc.

Interested in participating?

If you wish to learn more about the Chain of Trust project findings and policy recommendations we strongly encourage you participate in the national roundtables. To do so please contact the local organiser in your country:

Country Place and date Contact person
Greece Athens, 13 October Mr Evangelos Dousis,
Latvia Riga, 24 September Ms Gunta Anca 
The Netherlands Amsterdam, October (date to be fixed) Mr Borislav Manev
Norway Oslo, 18 October Ms Undine Knarvik
Poland Warsaw, 24 September Mr Tomasz Szelagowski
Portugal Lisbon, 25 October Mr Bruno Noronha Gomes

For more information about the project you can contact Liuska Sanna, Chain of Trust project coordinator: