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Webinar: "E-health and telemedicine – what are we really talking about?”

Webinar: "E-health and telemedicine – what are we really talking about?”

EPF is hosting the *Members Only* fourth webinar of our series focusing on Digital Health, with the topic “E-health and Telemedicine – What are we really talking about?”, on the 23rd of October at 3:00pm CEST.

You will have the pleasure to hear from Dr. Nick Guldemond, who is currently Associate Professor Integrated Care and Technology at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management. He is advisor for the Dutch House of Representatives and board member of the Innovative Medical Device Initiative and a member of the commission on the national eHealth implementation agenda.

Following Dr. Nick Guldemond we will focus on a case study on telemedicine presented by Jessie Cunnett, Associate Director, Head of Health and Social at Traverse, a consultancy focusing on people development. Traverse partnered up with EPF UK member National Voices to design a research on telemedicine and remote consultation in particular.

Last but not least, we will hear from Marcin Rodzinka, Mental Health Europe Advocacy and Policy Officer, who will present the view of his community on e-health and telemedicine.