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EUROPA UOMO became a Full Member of EPF in April 2021. We sat down with them to discuss their mission and vision and what they will bring to the EPF community!

What is the mission of Europa UOMO?

Our mission is to achieve better treatment, care and quality of life for all prostate cancer patients across Europe. We also want to provide an effective EU-wide voice representing the needs and priorities of National organisations.

What is the history of the organisation?

Europa Uomo was founded in Rome in 2002, at a meeting examining unmet needs in men with prostate cancer, instigated by Dr Alberto Costa and Professor Umberto Veronesi.  A temporary committee for a new support organisation for men with prostate cancer was established, supported by Alberto Costa and Louis Denis as consultants.

A constitution and manifesto were produced in 2003, at a meeting in the Oncology Centre, Antwerp. Following the example of Europa Donna (a pan-European coalition advocating for women with breast cancer established in 1994) Europa Uomo was legally established as a parallel organisation for men with prostate cancer in Milan in June 2004.

In 2015, Europa Uomo moved legal registration to Antwerp, Belgium, as a non-profit organization and is registered under Belgian law, company n° 556-724-867.

What is the achievement you are mostly proud of in your advocacy work?

  1. Awareness was increased from 10% 20 years ago to almost 50% average in Europe.
  2. The development of the EUPROMS study (Europa Uomo patient reported outcome study, the first ever prostate cancer quality of life survey conducted by patients for patients. Outcomes can be seen here.

Our aim is to support early detection in order to support the EU's 'Beating Cancer Plan' where they will decide on early detection in 2022, a follow-up study - EUPROMS II - is being set up for this autumn.

  1. Our voice towards European Parliament suggesting and requesting actions towards early detection and treatment.

What is the most common misconception regarding your disease area (if not a national coalition)?

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men over the age of 50 in Europe. In 2018 it killed 107,000 men in Europe – the equivalent to a full Airbus 300 each week. Many more men are suffering a devastating loss in their quality of life from the treatments for later stages of prostate cancer. Today more men die from prostate cancer than women die from breast cancer.

The main issues affecting men with prostate cancer in Europe are:

late diagnosis, treatment inconsistencies, poor quality of life and lack of information and support.

What is your biggest challenge for 2021? And the biggest hope?

Challenge 2021: We will still strive for the best care for the European Prostate Cancer patients and this can be realised based on three pillars.

  • Awareness of PCa is key and we must change perceptions and “taboos”.
  • There is scientific evidence that early detection saves lives and improves the quality of life of patients and partners.
  • Treatment in cancers centres must be the norm in order to assure equality of care and avoid overtreatment.

All 3 elements are equally important and one does not work without the others.


First of all that Pharma companies will find the right medication towards prostate cancer. Secondly, to see equal treatments and centers in all EU countries.

What will you bring to the EPF Community? What would your organisation like to contribute?

Europa Uomo (Italian for Europe man) is a European advocacy movement representing 27 prostate patients’ groups in countries across Europe.

We work to improve diagnosis, treatment, support and quality of life. We carry out research and influence policy at national and international level. We work with health professionals to help them understand patient perspectives. Finally, we support our national member organisations as they strive to improve services and awareness.

For more information about EUROPA UOMO, visit their website.