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Funding opportunities: have you thought of the EEA and Norway Grants?

Funding opportunities: have you thought of the EEA and Norway Grants?

The EEA and Norway Grants represent funding schemes available through joint funding of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to 16 countries from the European Union.  The aim of the two funding schemes: reducing economic and social disparities and strengthening bilateral relations with the funded countries.

Patient organisations from the beneficiary countries may want to consider the opportunity to submit their applications when call for proposals are available within their areas of interest.

About the European Economic Area Grants (EEA)

The EEA (European Economic Area) Grants ensures an amount of €993.5 million for the programming period of 2009-2014.

The three funding countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway contribute to the grant scheme according to their size and economic wealth, most of the contribution being ensured by Norway: 94%.

The main areas of assistance focus on: Environmental protection and management, Climate change and renewable energy, Civil society, Human and social development, Protecting cultural heritage, Research and scholarship.

About the Norway Grants

The Norway Grants contribute with the amount of €804 million for the programming period of 2009-2014.

Main areas supported through the funds ensured by the Norwegian Government are: Carbon capture and storage, Green industry innovation, Decent work and tripartite dialogue, Research and scholarship, Human and social development, Justice and home affairs.

The funds assured to each country are managed based on the individual Memorandum of Understanding with each country, which lays down the guidelines and specifies any particular areas of concerns for countries or the grant scheme.

Based on the Memorandum, a National Focal Point is set in each Beneficiary State, which has the overall responsibility for reaching the objectives of the Grants as well as management and control of programmes.

Grants are available for non-governmental organisations, research and academic institutions and public and private sector bodies. However, collaboration and knowledge exchange through partnerships between organisations in the donor and beneficiary countries are recommended.       

The partnership with organisations from the other beneficiary countries, as well as countries from Europe (under specific conditions) is also encouraged.

Projects that are financed under the 2009-2014 programming period can be implemented until 2016.

More information

More information on the funding schemes is available on the dedicated webpage, as well as in the programme brochure.