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Building capacities with our national and European members

Building capacities with our national and European members

The 4-5 April was an important milestone for the EPF Capacity Building Programme in Hungary; the nine patient organisations involved took part in intensive two-day training on operational planning. EPF will also train 10 EPF European Full Members over the summer to strengthen their capacity in fundraising.Patients’ organisations from Hungary started the second phase of the Programme. Much more implementation-oriented, this phase consists in providing training related to operational planning to the participants involved in the Programme.

The training, which involved two representatives per organisation, was the first key step of a process that will now continue with a coaching phase. Each organisation will be accompanied by local experts in the development of their annual work plan.

Through this programme we expect that the organisations participating will have an enhanced awareness of the importance of implementing consistent annual plans with clear operational objectives, activities that are resources correlated.

Participants will have also developed skills to produce an operational plan, to assess and plan resources, and to monitor and adapt the operational plan in line with the needs of the patients’ community and the evolving of the external environment.

Training on fundraising

On 26-29 August 2014, EPF will organise a face-to-face training module available to all our European full members in Brussels. Building capacity in fundraising was identified as a priority by all the six participating organisations through their initial organisational capacity needs’ assessment.

After this first session the fundraising expert will provide individual coaching to the participants to support them with the development of their organisation’s initial fundraising activities. 

Watch the video on EPF Capacity Building Programme on YouTube to understand the project!

For more information about the fundraising training, please contact EPF Membership Officer Camille Bullot at