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Call for abstracts: Patients to change the face of healthcare

Call for abstracts: Patients to change the face of healthcare

The Careum Congress 2014 will take place on 17-18 March 2014 in Basel, Switzerland. The event will be entitled “The power of patients 3.0” to explore ways to engage patients in future healthcare systems. You are invited to contribute to the event’s themes through a call for abstracts. The 2014 Congress, which is also the second conference of the European Network on Patient Empowerment (ENOPE), in which EPF is also a partner will start from the assumption that more and more people live longer, often with one or more chronic conditions. The World Health Organization considers this development will create numerous challenges for western societies.

What is needed is a fundamental shift towards a healthcare system, which places patients and their families at its centre, invests in health literacy, and offers access to care as well as support for disadvantaged groups. The Congress will investigate possible solutions focusing on key innovations.

Call for abstracts

The Congress’ organisers invite you to contribute to one of the event’s five key themes:

  • Co-producing health – co-designing care, through innovative practices and concepts for a patient-centred healthcare sector.
  • Health citizenship, e.g. ways to support citizens and those living with chronic conditions and special needs, enabling them to protect and promote their own health, shape their health systems and safeguard their rights.
  • Health 3.0, e.g. ways to engage citizens, patients, their families and health professionals in exploring the benefits of an open health information architecture and social media for health and healing.
  • Patient empowerment, such as approaches enabling individuals to take control of their own health, wellbeing and disease management, and to participate in decisions affecting their health and care. 
  • Living with chronic conditions, multi-morbidity, and rare diseases, for instance findings, projects or concepts addressing these critical challenges, their implications for patients, healthcare, health literacy and research through improving quality of life and supporting self-management.

You can share your experience from research projects and findings, innovative projects or best practice examples or report on future-oriented concepts or strategies of care.
Contributions may take the form of workshops (90 minutes), short papers (up to 25 minutes), and/or posters.

Abstracts may be submitted in either German or English. To submit an abstract electronically and to obtain further information please visit the website: