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EPF represented the patients’ voice at the Parliament

EPF represented the patients’ voice at the Parliament

EPF represented the patients’ voice at a workshop on “Information to patients on prescription medicines” organised by the committee on environment, public health and food safety (ENVI) in cooperation with the committee on internal market and consumer protection (IMCO). The aim of the workshop was to provide MEPs with a comprehensive and balanced overview on the issues and interests at stake.  The workshop looked at the views of independent experts from universities around Europe and the views of key relevant stakeholders. ENVI committee rapporteur Christofer Fjellner hosted the workshop.

The event provided EPF the opportunity to voice the patients’ perspective when it comes to the information provided on prescription only medicines. The current legislative proposal has a narrow scope and  demands a public health perspective which should be looked at in the context of a wider information to patients strategy. This requires a commitment to health literacy – such as education for patients to better understand and use the information and training of health professionals to better communicate to patients. It is also important that patient organisations should have an important contribution in the process of developing the information, validating it and making it available to patients.