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EPF Patient Evidence Workshop focusing on Patient Safety

EPF Patient Evidence Workshop focusing on Patient Safety

We are organising our annual Patient Evidence Workshop focusing on Patient Safety this year. It will take place in Brussels at EPF premises, on Thursday 21 November 2013, from 9.30 to 16.00.

The event is open to EPF member organisations only, and focuses on shaping EPF contributions to EU-level actions in the patient safety area, focusing on patient involvement in patient safety.

This workshop will be an opportunity to discuss achievements and future EPF objectives concerning patient safety and share experiences on patient involvement in patient safety.

The expected outcomes of the workshop are related to development of recommendations and new ideas on future actions in relation to the EU recommendations on patient safety and how patients and families can contribute to reporting and learning systems and the education and training of professionals – topics to feed into the EC Patient Safety and Quality Working Group.

Please note that the workshop will be held in English, therefore participants need to have a good level of understanding and speaking.

For more information and to register, please contact

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