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EPF participated in Open Information Day FP7 Health Research

EPF participated in Open Information Day FP7 Health Research

EPF had the opportunity to attend and participate in the FP7 Health - Open Information Day earlier this month in Brussels. The Open Day was organised by the Research Directorate-General of the European Commission and the aim of the event was to highlight the new aspects and priorities of the FP7-Health Research Work Programme for 2011.

Director Nicola Bedlington of EPF gave a presentation during the morning plenary session on the importance of patient involvement in EU-funded projects, specifically in research intensive projects and Diane Whitehouse showcased the Value+ project as an example of good practice for meaningful patient involvement during one of the parallel workshops, which focused on clinical trials.

During the exhibition, in which we participated, we had an opportunity to showcase our work and reiterate the importance of patient involvement in EU health related projects to more than 400 participants which included patient representatives, SME associations, research institutions and small-medium sized enterprises (SMEs). 

The final version of the 2011 Work Programme will be published in July 2010 and implemented through two calls for proposals with an estimated budget of around 650 million euros.  The Work Programme foresees major efforts in the following areas: brain-related diseases, diabetes and obesity, immunisation, epigenomics and social determinants of health, as well as other global health issues, such as anti-microbila drug resistane and emerging epidemics. Cross-cutting features of the 2011 Work Programme include a number of topics for clinical trials and SME-targeted topics.

Through its participation in the Information Day, EPF sought to promote a more patient-centred approach in upcoming FP7 health-related projects and increase the profile of patients’ organisations as valuable and reliable project partners. 



  Meaningful Patient Involvement in FP7 Research.ppt

 Value+ Meaningful Patient Involvement.ppt