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EUPATI project publishes draft training programme syllabus

EUPATI project publishes draft training programme syllabus

The European Patient Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) consortium, led by EPF, has published the first version of the syllabus for its high-level certificate training course. This is one of the three areas of training and education that were explored at the EUPATI Rome conference in April, alongside online education tools library and National Platforms.

The syllabus sets out the training programme for the EUPATI certificate, the most intensive capacity building activity of the Academy. With this training course for 100 ‘patient experts’, EUPATI will increase the capacity of well-informed patients to be effective advocates and advisors in medicines research and development.

The syllabus consists of an 18 month course featuring face-to-face and online learning designed for 100 patient experts.  The course's six modules cover all aspects of drug development, including clinical trials, regulatory affairs, safety, and health technology assessment. The syllabus was developed through input from a range of stakeholder groups, including patients, academics, industry, and teachers.

In addition to the certificate, EUPATI is developing a multilingual educational toolbox that patient advocates can download and use to learn about drug development, and an internet library that will provide patients with easy-to-understand information on drug development.

For more information, please contact Jan Geissler, EUPATI Director, at