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EPF invited to participate in EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum

EPF invited to participate in EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum

EPF was recently invited to participate in the EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum. The aim of the Stakeholders Forum is two-fold.  First to provide stakeholders the opportunity to observe and comment on the work of the EUnetHTA Joint Action on Health Technology Assessments (HTA)  and second to provide advice on governance questions relating to the Joint Action . The EUnetHTA Joint Action was set up to be a “formal collaboration between EU Member States and the European Commission. Its aim is to put into practice an effective and sustainable HTA collaboration in Europe that bring added value at the European, national and regional level.” EPF will play a pivotal role in representing the patients’ perspective in regards to producing Health Technology Assessments and hopes to influence the direction of HTA in terms of policy and projects.  The first Stakeholder Forum meeting will take place this June in Dublin.

EPF will provide updates and outcomes of the meetings in our six weekly mailing.