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Patients’ representatives sharing learning and good practice

Patients’ representatives sharing learning and good practice

The 6th EPF Regional Advocacy Seminar took place in Zagreb, Croatia, on 28-29 October 2013. EPF organised this event in cooperation with the Coalition of Associations in Healthcare (KUZ) to develop tools together with the participants to advocate effectively at European and National level.

More than 40 participants attended the EPF two-day event including patients’ representatives from Croatia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Turkey as well as speakers such as Bernard Merkel from DG SANCO.

The participants learned how the legislative process works as well as where EPF takes part in this process. They also got a flavour of opportunities for collaboration with other stakeholders and of possibilities for fundraising.

The different workshops looked at different areas to reinforce the capacities of their organisations, as follows:

  • How to build a credible representative patient organisation?
  • How to liaise with donors and build a fundraising strategy?
  • How to successfully partner with stakeholders?
  • How to develop and implement an advocacy strategy?
  • How to develop and implement a communication strategy?

“The seminar was very useful for me to expand my knowledge about the actions of the patient's NGO in the society. I hope that we will meet and cooperate again” concluded one of the participants.

All the event presentations are available here.

For more information about the seminar or our capacity building activities, please contact Liuska Sanna, EPF Project Manager, at liuska.sanna[at]