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The EPF eHealth Seminar is approaching!

The EPF eHealth Seminar is approaching!

As the EPF eHealth Seminar - on 23 January 2013- approaches, here is more news on this milestone event. Do not miss the opportunity to learn what EPF has done over the last for years for patients in the eHealth area. If you did not book your seat yet, please subscribe online as the preliminary programme and registration form are now available.Over the last four years EPF has been participating in various eHealth projects with the twofold objective gathering evidence-based patient perspective and ensuring that patients’ needs and expectations are thoroughly integrated in eHealth policies, strategies and services right from the onset.

Through projects like the Chain of TRUST, RENEWING HeALTH, SUSTAINS, CALLIOPE, the eHealth Governance Initiative, as well as through EPF involvement in the eHealth Task Force and eHealth Stakeholder Group we have managed to amass a  wealth on knowledge on patients views, requirements, and expectations in relation to eHealth.

Time has now come for a thorough assessment of these findings through an inclusive dialogue with the wider patient community with a view to promoting more patient-centred eHealth policies and services at EU, national and regional level.
Mr Robert Madelin, Director General of DG Connect, will bring the view of his DG regarding the role of patients in eHealth policies and more specifically in the implementation of the new eHealth Action Plan. The seminar will also be the occasion to bring examples of some flagship EU projects such as epSOS (cross-border exchange of personal health data -patient summary and ePrescription), RENEWING HeALTH (telemedicine services for people with long-term health conditions), and SUSTAINS (patient access to Electronic Health Records) and to explore the recommendation emerging from the eHealth Task Force Report, presented by our President Anders Olauson.

For more information, please contact