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Watch the project Chain of Trust on video!

Watch the project Chain of Trust on video!

The 2-year project Chain of TRUST ended in Brussels on 24 January with a closing conference. The project was about end users’ confidence and trust towards telehealth services. Two videos trace the main project’s findings and their potential impact on EU policies and users.

The lack of trust from patients, doctors, nurses and pharmacists is amongst the factors behind the limited deployment of telehealth. This project has contributed solid evidence towards shaping these innovative services that have the acceptance and uptake from the intended end-users.

The first part of the Chain of Trust video contains the project messages and findings as well as a political perspective provided by DG SANCO and DG CONNECT representatives. The objective of this video is to show how the project findings can be used to inform current and future telehealth policies.

“The Chain of Trust project has demonstrated the complex nature of trust and found essential elements in creating confidence. (…)I already picked up several recommendations that the Commission can look at carefully and take forward”, says in the video Mr Piha, Head of Unit for eHealth, Health Technology & Risk Assessment and Science (DG SANCO).

The second part of the Chain of Trust video shows the importance of telehealth among its users. Its objective is to raise awareness about the benefits of these services and therefore to build trust and confidence to encourage their use.

For more information about the findings, please read the project’s report or contact Liuska Sanna, the project leader.