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The Patient Empowerment Campaign - Your vital role!

The Patient Empowerment Campaign - Your vital role!

Picture: The European Medical Students Association (EMSA) support the patient empowerment campaign © EMSA

We can make patient empowerment a reality only if we work together. You are the voice of the campaign in your disease specific environment and with your help, we can communicate the campaign messages and actively get involved at an EU and national level. To ensure that YOU have everything you need to campaign for patient empowerment, we have summarised in this article 5 easy ways you can get involved!

1. Support the campaign pledge

If you believe that empowered patients can make a difference for the sustainability of healthcare systems, support the campaign pledge here and let us know why you commit to engage in the campaign.

You are strongly encouraged to also print the pledge, take a picture with it alone or together with your friends and colleagues and share it on social media or send it to us at Remember to use the campaign’s hashtag #PatientsprescribE!

2. Share the campaign material

Our campaign leaflet is already available in 12 EU languages. Find them all here and share it with your network in their own language!

The campaign video, where patients share their views on patient empowerment, is also available online and you are encouraged to watch it and share it – as one of the video participants says, “It’s time to act now”.

3. Talk about your experience on EPF blog

Are you a patient and do you self-manage your disease? A health professional and you wish to work with empowered patients? Share your own testimonial about patient empowerment, or your opinion about a specific area of the campaign. Contact EPF at to receive more information on how to contribute to the blog.

4. Share good practices on patient empowerment

As part of the campaign, we are collecting information on good practices that aim to promote patient empowerment at different levels and gathering more evidence on activities that are already happening in Europe. If you know about such initiatives, let us know by completing this form and ask others in your network to do the same.

5. Make a video!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million! When you are at work, at home, or with friends, you can take a short video with your phone saying why you support the campaign and send it to us at You can also share it on social media using #PatientsprescribE. 

If you are interested in learning more about the campaign, you can find everything you need on our website  and in our campaign toolkit  which includes core material on how you can engage in the campaign while adapting to your organisation’s own approach.

Together, let’s prescribe E5 for Sustainable Health Systems!

Contact: EPF Communications Assistant, Valentina Stylianou at