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EUPATI Is Going Global – New Partnership In Brazil

EUPATI Is Going Global – New Partnership In Brazil


The European Patients’ Academy (EUPATI) continues its steady and sensible growth with a new partnership with patient organisations and academia in Brazil, rolling out the expert training course in the South American giant.

The European Patients’ Academy (EUPATI) offers trainings to patient experts on medicines development, clinical trials, medicines regulations, health technology assessment. First established as an Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), the project is now part of the project portfolio of EPF.

Building on a solid 5 years’ experience of training expert patients, EUPATI can now slowly roll out this know-how to other regions and countries. Recent talks with a rare diseases patient organisations and a university in Brazil have led to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, setting the basis for spreading the EUPATI expert training course in Brazil, and the implementation of the course in Brazilian Portuguese within the next 12 months.

These efforts are of course accompanied by some complementary work to ensure that there is sufficient funding and manpower to implement the EUPATI Toolbox and various materials in other languages. The implementation of the training course in Brazil will automatically also result in a version of the training material in Portuguese. 

Don’t forget to check EUPATI for the newsfeed and blog entries, as well as the new EUPATI UK video!

Also, note the recent job announcement for a part-time position of a content coordinator. The application deadline is 30 April, and the terms of reference can be downloaded from the EPF website.