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Report of EPF Patient Safety Conference Now Available!

Report of EPF Patient Safety Conference Now Available!


In November 2016, EPF organised an international conference on Patient & Family Empowerment for Better Patient Safety. The complete report of the event, including policy recommendations, is now publically available.

Patients’ and healthcare professionals’ representatives met in November in Brussels to discuss how patient and family involvement can improve patient safety to the benefits of the whole healthcare system. The lively debate helped to identify key concerns and expectations from the patients’ perspective.

Combining a summary of the sessions with the critical discussion points, the report encapsulates the highlights and policy recommendations suggested by the different stakeholders.

The meeting gave the patient community the opportunity to convey a clear message in requesting a culture change and the acknowledgment of the crucial role played by patients and their families in improving patient safety. The representatives of healthcare professionals echoed patients’ concerns and called for the recognition of patients as equal partners in the healthcare system.

The ‘esprit’ of the event was very well captured by Mr Niek Klazinga, from the OECD, when concluding the conference: “Close collaboration between patients, family and healthcare providers is necessary to realise effective, safe and patient-centred care”.

Have a look and discover the potential of patient empowerment to improve patient safety!
More information….

The full version of the speakers’ presentations can be found on the EPF website.
If you want to know more about the conference click here, and to see EPF’s work on patient safety, click here. 

For more information,