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EPF Team Update: Au Revoir Laurent; Benvenuta Letizia!

EPF Team Update: Au Revoir Laurent; Benvenuta Letizia!


EPF started 2018 with a new team member in the Comms team. We send Laurent our best wishes for his future, and we welcome Letizia, our new Communications Manager!   

After two years working for EPF, we said bye to Laurent Louette last December. As Communications Officer, he was responsible for the development and implementation of our communications strategy, and he contributed highly to the promotion of EPF’s work and activities. He played a key role in the consolidation of the EPF visual identity, and was fundamental in the remarkable growth of the EPF online community.

We thank him for this dedication, his strategic mind and his great team spirit, highly appreciated among colleagues. We already miss him a lot and we wish him the best for his future endeavours. May the force be with you, Laurent!

At the beginning of January, Letizia Gambini joined the EPF team as EPF Communications Manager. She will drive our communications and ensure the resonance and impact of our policy and advocacy work. Visit her profile to know more about her professional background and find out her personal collection!