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EUPATI – activities for 2020-2025

EUPATI – activities for 2020-2025

The European Patients’ Academy (EUPATI) is about to embark on a new journey. This upcoming phase in 2020 marks exciting new developments for EUPATI run under the auspices of EPF. This Public Private Partnership (PPP) has transformed the knowledge and impact achieved over the past 8 years in order to offer more meaningful patient education and engagement in the future.

The EUPATI 2020 – 2025 brochure outlines the success of EUPATI since 2017, and our direction for the future. It emphasizes that EUPATI’s strength is in its community of dedicated and committed organisations and individuals who believe in its mission to support quality patient engagement through education.

EUPATI is the only dedicated training provider for patients and patient advo­cates for medicine research and development. Edu­cated patients are a core resource for patient involvement in medicines R&D, regulatory deliberations and other patient engagement initiatives.

Please do not hesitate to spread the word if you know any partners that would have interest in joining the consortium.

For further information please contact Matthew May, EUPATI Coordinator, Matthias Gottwald and Nicola Bedlington, EUPATI co-chairs.