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European policymakers must commit to putting patients’ health priorities at the heart of the political agenda for the next five years

European policymakers must commit to putting patients’ health priorities at the heart of the political agenda for the next five years

EPF welcomes acknowledgement by President Juncker that high-quality, affordable and accessible healthcare is essential for a fair Europe, and calls for action to make access and empowerment a reality for patients everywhere in the EU.

EPF warmly welcomed the European Commission’s recent contribution to the informal EU27 leaders’ meeting in Sibiu (Romania) on 9 May 2019, set out in a publication on the future of Europe. The strategic document, which indicates recommendations on the EU’s priorities for the next five years, includes references to the need to “support high-quality, affordable and accessible health care through the digital transformation of health systems”. The need for extra push towards innovation in the health sector is strongly emphasized.

EPF has been vocal in pointing out that finding solutions to the challenge of chronic diseases, new technologies, and persistent inequities across the Union requires strong and continuing European collaboration as well as a strong role for civil society. The EU has also committed itself to tackling the UN SDGs by 2030. A solid, coherent and well-resourced health programme, under committed Commission leadership, is a necessity to achieve these goals.

With two weeks left until the European Elections, we take the opportunity to renew our urgent call for action to further strengthen equitable access to patient-centered care and patients’ empowerment in healthcare.

“As the voice of patients in Europe, we note that the European Commission understands the necessity of continued investment in health,” says Usman Khan, EPF Executive Director. “We therefore call on the political leaders of the EU, new and future Members of the European Parliament and the future Commission, to ensure health remains an EU policy priority and to take concrete action to ensure the voice of the patient is central to this.”


1-      You can read our detailed call for more and better health in the EU in our EU Elections manifesto developed together with our members and find more information about our Europe for Patients campaign here.

2-      If you are or know somebody running for the European Elections who would like to know more about our campaign, and pledge to support the five key points of our manifesto do not hesitate to get in touch with us at – sign our pledge and join our supporters!