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EPF Survey - COVID-19 Impact on Patients and Patients’ Organisations

EPF Survey - COVID-19 Impact on Patients and Patients’ Organisations

COVID-19 has and continues to affect all countries and all communities. EPF has continuously highlighted concerns and challenges faced by patients and their organisations during this pandemic. Moving forward, attention has now turned to making sure health systems emerge from this crisis stronger, more prepared and more people-centred. EPF invites you to take part in a survey to gather more information on the lived experience and impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on patients with chronic conditions, their communities and on patients’ organisations.

The survey includes two separate sets of questions.

  • One questionnaire is for individual patients with chronic or long-term conditions, their family members or informal carers and
  • Another questionnaire is for patients’ organisations.

Click this link to access the survey. It will take no more than 15-20 minutes to complete.

Survey Deadline is 11 October 2020.

Why are we launching this survey?

This survey is part of EPF’s continued efforts to gather COVID-19 related experiences and insights from the patient community. With the results, EPF intends to produce a comprehensive report which will serve as a strong evidence base for our policy and advocacy work. Your answers will help us make informed and evidence-based recommendations towards European Union (EU) institutions’ policy makers, which we hope will ultimately inform the decisions that are taken at EU and national level. The analysed results will immediately be used to inform EPF’s key asks in view of the EU4Health programme negotiations.

With this survey we hope to receive input from as many patients and patient’s organisations in Europe as possible, therefore please share it with your members and spread the word among your networks.