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Results of the EHDEN COVID-19 Rapid Collaboration call

Results of the EHDEN COVID-19 Rapid Collaboration call

From 16 April – 14 May, EHDEN (European Health Data & Evidence Network) announced a rolling COVID-19 Rapid Collaboration Call with the goal to help health professionals and the public to know more about how to characterise COVID-19 patients, how to manage their care, and whether certain treatments are safe.
Overall, the EHDEN COVID-19 call was a success –75 applications from 20 countries across Europe were submitted. Of these, 25 Data partners from 10 countries were accepted. The 25 new data partners will contribute data from 1 million COVID-19 tested patients, of which 228 000 tested positive.
What comes next? EHDEN will work with the new partners to harmonise their data to a common model in order to extract meaningful insights. The hope is that these insights can ultimately help to improve patient care.
The EHDEN project began in November 2018 with the aim of creating a federated European network for health research based on international standards, tools and methodologies for harmonising health data.
You can learn more about EHDEN on the project website, and learn more about EPFs’ role by following this link.