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EPF Letter and Recommendations on EU4Health to Permanent Representations to the EU and European Parliament

EPF Letter and Recommendations on EU4Health to Permanent Representations to the EU and European Parliament

In the European Patients’ Forum view, and as outlined in our recent statement, the new EU4Health programme represents an opportunity to build stronger, patient-centred, health systems that can provide care to all, under all circumstances and beyond the COVID-19 crisis.

EPF welcomes and supports the work of the Rapporteur and Shadow Rapporteurs work on the European Parliament Draft report, including the recently agreed Compromise Amendments. In our view, the agreed Compromise Amendments overall further improve the Report and therefore the Commission’s proposal, in particular by putting more attention on the importance of adequate resources for the Programme, enabling more accessible and affordable person-centred care, better integration between health systems (HTA, ERNs) and a stronger role for patient organisations and civil society.

EPF sent a letter on 9 October to the Permanent Representations while the voting recommendations were shared on 12 October to the Members of the European Parliament in view of the upcoming ENVI Committee vote on the EU4Health report, taking place on 12 and 13 October.

See below for our Letter and Voting Recommendations.