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EPF responds to the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy Consultation

EPF responds to the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy Consultation

The European Patients' Forum is pleased to release our recent response to the European Commission's consultation on the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy.

We believe that embedding meaningful patient involvement in everything that affects the patients' own access to medicines and care, will be key in tackling medicines shortages, and in evaluating medicines appropriately

Tackling shortages requires a range of tools, and it will be critical  to understand patients’ experience on shortages and their impact. Patients should also be able to report shortages to national and EU competent authorities.

We believe medicine producers should have both incentives and obligations to ensure availability of their products. They should work closely with patient organisations to gain information about shortages experienced by patients and ensure effective communication.

Inequity in access to medicines is a major cause of health inequalities. Inequalities in access to medicines go against the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the EU Treaties’ commitment to the principle of well-being, and the fundamental European values of equity, solidarity and good quality in healthcare. Many patients with multiple chronic diseases have to choose to get only some part of their treatment. Patients should not suffer financial hardship as a result of seeking treatment: a price may be unacceptable to national agencies, leading to no reimbursement. 

Read our full response here: EPF Pharma Strategy Final.pdf