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EU Public Consultation on the Commission’s ‘Beating Cancer Plan’

EU Public Consultation on the Commission’s ‘Beating Cancer Plan’

Cancer is a major concern for all European citizens as 40% of us are likely to be affected at some stage in our life and we all know someone who developed the disease. This is why the President of the European Commission announced Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to be carried forward by the Commission, under the stewardship of the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety.

The Commission wants to place European citizens at the centre of this plan. Therefore, they have developed a public consultation (via online survey) to hear your views. As a European-level umbrella organisation whose membership not only includes several specific cancer organisations but also national coalitions that comprise cancer , EPF wholeheartedly agrees that cancer patients’ views and knowledge should be at the heart of the EU’s new plan.

Whether you are a patient, or one of his/her relatives, a patient organisation representative or advocate, we highly recommend you complete this survey. Please share your experience and show why the patients’ voice should play a strong role in driving better health in Europe.

The online survey is out until 28 April, 2020.  EPF will submit a general response, however we also encourage as many cancer patients and patient organisations to make your voice heard!

If you would like to contribute to the EPF’s response, please send your comments to