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Latest Plenary Vote on EU4Health

Latest Plenary Vote on EU4Health

Today, the European Parliament adopted its position on the Commission proposal to step up the EU’s action in the health sector significantly, through the EU4Health Programme with 615 votes to 34 and 39 abstentions.

EPF welcomes the outcome of the EU Plenary Vote, and would like to congratulate the Parliament, in particular ENVI Rapporteur MEP Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, Shadow Rapporteurs and Opinion Rapporteurs on their efforts to work towards closing gaps exposed by COVID-19 and ensuring that health systems can face future threats to public health.

We wholeheartedly agree with the focus of placing more attention on the importance of adequate resources, offering a stronger role for patient organisations and civil society through an inclusive EU4Health Steering Group, as well as accessible and affordable person-centred care and better integration within health systems. The outcome of the vote is particularly welcome as it includes several recommendations which EPF has repeatedly stressed including: (1) solid and inclusive governance with direct participation of patient organisations and civil society; (2) more investment in health; (3) accessible and affordable care for all; (4) greater European coordination to protect our health and (5) inclusive and safe digital transformation of health and care.

EPF looks forward to engaging with EU institutions during the trilogue negotiations to further help design a patient-centred EU4Health programme.