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EPF's Policy Work


EPF's policy work

Empowering patients and patient organisations benefits not only their own wellbeing. It has been shown to improve the wellbeing of the community as a whole. EPF acts as an intermediary between the patient community and EU policymakers, by providing a crucial cross-disease perspective based on issues that have a direct impact on patients' lives in a national and regional context. How and why do we do that? Learn more about our policy work.

How does our policy work drive patient organisations' empowerment?

We represent our members and patients with chronic conditions, occasional patients, and their carers, by working with EU stakeholder and expert groups. We see them as reliable and trusted partners. We bring together people, knowledge and expertise. Together, we work to enhance the capacity and capability of patients to play an active role in all aspects of their treatment and care. EPF supports a wider movement to ensure Europe's citizens are able to access affordable health and social care. With this, we strive to put health literacy and patient empowerment high on the agenda, while driving profound change in the healthcare landscape.