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Key Answers from Shot Callers Part 2: A Virtual Discussion on COVID-19 Vaccines

Key Answers from Shot Callers Part 2: A Virtual Discussion on COVID-19 Vaccines

On 16 June, 2021 we held our virtual event SHOT CALLERS Part 2, a follow up to our first Shot Callers in January 2021, to answer some of the follow-up questions and deal with the most pressing and recent developments in Europe’s COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

With the help of Prof. Jean-Michel Dogne, Committee Member of WHO Global Advisory Board, we tackled some of the most interesting topics around the conversation on COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.

Is it safe to get a COVID-19 vaccine while taking medication to control a chronic health condition?

What are the risks for people with various chronic conditions?

How long does protection from COVID-19 vaccine last and is it effective against the new variants?

We collected some insights from our event and the answers provided by Prof. Jean-Michel Dogne in this brief video that you can watch here: