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Project Information:

  • Full title: Comparing effectiveness of self-management interventions in 4 high priority chronic diseases in Europe
  • Duration: 60 months (1 January 2018 - 31 December 2022)
  • Status: ongoing FAD-led project
  • Funding programme: European Commission

What is the project about?

  • COMPAR-EU is a project focusing on self-management in four chronic conditions. It is a multi-method, multi-component, inter-disciplinary project that will contribute to bridging the gap between current knowledge and practice on self-management interventions.

Project’s objectives: 

  • The general aim of COMPAR-EU is to identify, compare, and rank the most effective and cost-effective self-management interventions (including preventive and management domains) for adults living with four high-priority chronic diseases today.

Main specific objectives:

  • To identify and prioritise self-management initiative (SMI) outcomes from patients' perspectives and to synthesise existing evidence on SMIs from randomised clinical trials;
  • To compare the relative effectiveness of SMIs in each of the four chronic diseases;
  • To model the impact of SMIs from the perspective of cost-effectiveness;
  • To develop and pilot decision-making tools to facilitate and disseminate the use of the most effective SMIs to key target end users through the COMPAR-EU technology information platform.

Main expected outcomes:

  • Summary of evidence for each SMI organised by condition, outcome, and population subgroup [comorbidities, gender and socioeconomic dimensions];
  • List of SMIs organised by condition and outcome measures and ranked according to relative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness;
  • List of facilitators and barriers to the implementation of SMIs;
  • COMPAR-EU technology information platform featuring tailored decision-making tools targeting policy makers, guideline developers and researchers, HCPs, patients and industry tested across five European countries.


  • The consortium brings together organisations with a broad range of expertise in fields and backgrounds relevant for self-management in chronic diseases.
  • The consortium is led by a research institute from Spain (FAD) and includes representatives of key stakeholders: patients’ representative (EPF), health management company (OptiMedis AG), university and university-based scientific and research institutes (iMTA and UOI) and a national research institutes for health services (NIVEL and IR-HSCSP).

List of participants:

EPF’s role:

  • EPF is leading Work Package 3 (WP3), namely: “Eliciting patients’ priorities and preferences” and as such it will:
  • Identify key patient-prioritised outcomes as reported in the literature for each of the four chronic conditions through organising and executing a Delphi process (two-stages) over the course of 2018. It will be an inclusive process involving as many as possible patients’ perspectives;
  • Ensure that patients’ views and gender and socioeconomic dimensions that could potentially affect equity are taken into account throughout the project.
  • In this we will build on and take forward our previous work in the EU tender studies EMPATHiE (patient empowerment, PiSCE (self-care in minor/self-limiting conditions) and PRO-STEP (self-management in chronic conditions.

Impact on patient community:

  • The project has significant added value for the European society in general and in particular for people living with one or more long-term conditions. The importance of developing effective strategies for promoting self-care by patients and citizens is growing, as governments seek to develop healthcare systems that guarantee high quality care whilst facing the challenges of ageing populations, increase in chronic diseases and rapid technological development in the context of constrained finances. 


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