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IMI-EFOEUPATI - Ensuring the Future Of EUPATI

IMI-EFOEUPATI - Ensuring the Future Of EUPATI

Duration: The IMI-EFOEUPATI project was launched on 1 September 2018 and will run for 24 months, until August 2020.

What is the project about?

Ensuring the Future Of EUPATI (EFOEUPATI) aims to ensure optimal exploitation and sustainability of the core achievements of the IMI-EUPATI Project 2012-2017: Patient Expert Training Course, the multilingual public Toolbox, and the EUPATI National Platforms Network. It is imperative that these pillars exist in the medium- and long-term to address the growing field of patient engagement. The project is co-lead by the European Patients' Forum (EPF) and Bayer.

Project’s objectives

  • Develop a viable sustainability / business model for the medium-long term future of EUPATI activities.
  • Create a Patient Education and Engagement Portal that will host relevant information and resources for patients and other stakeholders to ensure meaningful and value adding patient engagement in medicines R&D. This will end up replacing the existing EUPATI website, and make it faster!!
  • Strength the coordination and impact of the existing EUPATI National Platform (ENP) network, through promotion of collaboration, knowledge exchange and sharing.

Work packages

  • WP1 – Project Coordination: it provides coordination between the different Work Packages and takes decision that govern the direction of the project, such as signing off on the design of the Patient Education and Engagement Portal, and sustainability model for which a business plan will be developed.
  • WP2 – Sustainability: it aims the development of viable sustainability / business model for the medium – long-term future of EUPATI activities and objectives in the form of the European Patients’ Academy by identifying new funding sources and creating the necessary plans to exploit and implement them.
  • WP3 – Patient Education and Engagement Portal: the portal will host relevant information for patients and other stakeholders in order to ensure meaningful and value adding patient engagement.
  • WP4 – European National Platform: it aims strengthening the coordination of the existing ENP network, through promotion of collaboration, knowledge exchange and sharing.


Project Coordinator

Matthew May, EPF -

This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 806995. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.


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